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5 indians noble prize winner

5 indians noble prize winner

Today we are counting down the five Nobel laureates who were Indian citizens at the time that they were awarded the Nobel Prize.

Number 5 rabindranath tagore Rabindranath tagore won the Nobel Prize in the year 1913 in the field of literature according to Nobel he got the award because of his profoundly sensitive fresh and beautiful verse by which with consummate skill he has made his poetic thought expressed in his own English words a part of the literature of the West

Number 4 CV Raman
CV Raman got his Nobel Prize in the year 1930 for his work in the field of physics that is the scattering of light and for the discovery of the effect named after him the Raman effect

Number 3 mother Teresa
Mother Teresa in recognition of her work in bringing health to the suffering humanity she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in the year 1979.

Number 2 Amartya Sen
Amartya Sen was awarded the Nobel Prize in the year nineteen ninety-eight in the field of economic sciences for his contributions to welfare economics.

Number 1 Kailash Satyarthi
Kailash Satyarthi is a children's rights activist from India he is a 2014 Nobel Peace Prize recipient and the founder of multiple social activist organizations including but one Bachao Andolan global march against child labor global campaign for education Kailash Satyarthi children's foundation and a rug mob now known as good weave international to date Kailash Satyarthi and his team at Bertrand Bachao Andolan have liberated more than 88,000 children in India from child labor slavery and trafficking

We haven't added people who were born in India but were citizens of a different country at the time of receiving the prize we hope you found this video informative.

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